Developing The Mindset Of Problem Solving (For Developers)
Many a time, developers are confronted with daily challenges and problems that require solutions. In some cases, developers find it difficult to solve these problems. In this article, I share with you strategies I apply on daily basis in solving problems that I’m confronted with. I hope this helps you too
Think like A Human
Some developers have the attitude of overthinking things. Give a problem to some developers and they will complicate it more. The best way to solve a problem is to approach the problem as a normal person would. When you are faced with a problem is best to first ask yourself; how will a normal person approach this problem?
You are first a human, before a developer, when you start approaching problems as a human and attempt to proffer solution the same way a normal person would, your problem-solving ability increase significantly.
Interact And Interface With Problem Solvers and Their Solutions.
Have you ever looked at a product, perhaps a car, a building, a gadget, software, or electronics, and wondered how it came about? What were the creators thinking? How were they able to make it possible? I’ve come to realize in life that “when you set out to become someone or something, you just have to seek out people who have achieved it and continuously interact with them. to become a problem solver you must consistently interact with problem solvers, and the solution they’ve proffered. To be creative interact with creative people and their work, to be smart interact with smart people, and observe their ways of doing things.
Solve Smaller Problems
“It is important to think big, but find a way to start small. It is the capacity you’ve built up while solving smaller problems that will aid you in solving bigger or more complex problems. There are many developers but very few problem solvers. If you can develop yourself to become a problem solver, it will give you an edge over so many other developers.
Break Down Every Problem
A golden rule to problem-solving is to always break down problems into bits and pieces. Regardless of how complex a problem is, ensure to break it down into smaller parts, once you’ve done that, then start solving the problem bit by bit, part after part, as you continue to solve the problem, you will realize that the problem is not as complex as it seemed after all.
Note: Problem-solving goes beyond merely solving a problem, a problem that is not effectively and efficiently solved will end up creating another problem or even worst. The keywords here are efficiency and effectiveness. There might be several ways to solve a problem but always subscribe to the best way. The best way may be difficult or easy, but if it guarantees efficiency and effectiveness then go for it. The best solution is not what you define it to be, the best solution is what the recipient of the solution defines it to be. The recipient might be your boss, users, customer, or client, whoever they may be, ensure you understand what is expected of you and what they think the best solution should look like.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope you got value for your time, if you did please feel free to share with your friends and colleagues who may need this content.
What are some of your problem strategies? I will like to know yours, feel free to comment below.