Don’t Quit Yet (An Honest Advice To New or Aspiring Programmers)

Let me ask you a question. If you quit now who will ever know you started? If you quit now what story will you tell? If you quit now who will know you made effort? If you quit now how will you know if you could have succeeded? I know you are going through stuff, I know It’s not easy for you, but the truth is; If you quit, eventually you will see and meet people who went through the same stuff as you or even worse.

You can make it, you can succeed, regardless of the challenges, just give it time. Persist a bit more. Don’t quit learning, don’t quit that relationship, don’t quit that boot camp or training, don’t quit coding, you may not seem to understand yet, just give it time. It takes time to get anything meaningful done, and it takes time to learn or acquire skills, it may not be easy but it will be worth it in the end. just keep learning, be consistent, keep doing it, keep learning, and keep pushing. Ask anyone who is successful in programming, they will tell you that it takes time, so even if you are currently learning and don’t seem to be making heads don’t quit yet. You may be probably wondering if programming is for you. Yes, the answer is yes, programming is for you too. You too can learn to program and be successful, just give it time.

If You Ever Feel Like Quitting Do These:

Remember why you started.

Often times when we set out to achieve certain things, in the face of challenges, hardships, and opposition, we tend to forget why we started. Before you quit, try to reflect on the reason you started in the first place. It might be a goal, it might be because of a person or group of people, it might be because of a belief, whatever it might be just reflect on it. What happens to the reason if you quit? Does it not matter again? When you consistently place your reason for starting before you, it will help keep you in check.


“A problem shared is a problem half solved”. When you feel discouraged, or overwhelmed talk to someone. Talk to somebody who may have been able to achieve that which you have set out to achieve. Talk to a mentor, talk to a friend or trusted colleague, and share your worries and fears, seek advice and counseling. Just a piece of advice from someone experienced can immediately handle several issues and concerns you may have.

Take Break

I believe it is better to take a break than to quit. It is okay to take breaks. Take out time to reflect and maybe re-strategize if need be. Sometimes you may not just be doing something right or enough. Taking breaks helps us examine our chances, opportunities, and possible privileges. When we take breaks we also get to understand what other people are thinking about what we are doing, get feedback and make new plans based on a new perspective.

Look Into The Future

From personal experience, I’ve come to realize that sometimes challenges and difficulties have a way of blinding us from seeing what the future holds. We must ensure that we consistently place the picture of the future we expect before us.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you got value for your time. Feel free to leave a comment on what you think about this article. What are some of the things you do when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged, please comment on that.