People often feel that because it's a new year it should be better than the previous year, they believe the new year should automatically bring about change, new and better results, and greater accomplishment.
A lot of people are going into a new year hoping that somehow and somewhere along the line things will just align for them and life will give them the things they desire and wish for and probably didn't get the previous year, but in the real sense they are the same people with same old attitude, character, disposition, and mindset of the previous year.
We must realize that our lives do not change until we change ourselves. You cannot enter a new year with an old attitude, character, and mindset and expect new and different results and outcomes. To experience new results and outcomes there are some areas of your life you should pay attention to, because until we change in these areas, we may not experience a change in our results.
Here are three major areas of your life you should pay attention to if you want a different result and outcome in 2023; your mindset, your character set, and your skill set.
Your mindset.
To experience better results and outcomes in 2023 you must first start with your mind, create the reality you expect first in your mind. If you can conceive it in your mind, then it is possible, available, and reachable. Do not demand or expect of life the reality you’ve not first created in your mind, if you cannot imagine it, you cannot have it.
The biggest gift you have is your imagination, you can create an entirely new outcome with your imagination. Your life is most likely to tilt towards your constant imagination, imagine great possibilities because you are as big or small as your imagination.
Stretch your mind, imagine possibilities that scare you, imagine things that seem almost impossible, something nobody in your family has probably done before. If your imaginations and dreams do not scare you then it's not big enough.
You can't stretch your mind and your life will be small, a big life can never be associated with a small mind, small minds will create small outcomes and realities, while big Minds will create big outcomes and realities.
Be big in your mind and your life will be big, be rich and successful in your mind and your life will be rich and successful.
To have a changed mindset there are certain dispositions you might want to either start or improve on.
i. Being intentional
The man or woman who will make progress this year will have to be intentional. Create your own reality, Take charge of your life, and do not be a push-around.
Don't do things out of emotions and sentiment. Be in control of your time, and do not accompany people just for doing so sake; if it does not add value to you, decline. Learn to be comfortable with saying no, and don't get offended when people say no to you as well.
Know where your career and skill is going, be intentional about growing your skill this year, add value to your service, and improve your work quality.
Just don't let things or anyone take you unawares, be careful about your relationships, and say no to relationships that add no value to you.
Everything meaningful was birthed and built intentionally. For your life to go the way you want, you have to intentionally walk the path.
ii. Quit blaming others
Make up your mind not to blame other people for your mistakes and failures. Quit blaming God, satan, family, friends, and situations, and take responsibility for your life. You Are In Control, you are in charge, it is Your Life. You may never experience true success until you start taking responsibility for your life.
Mistakes and failures are a part of life and is it normal for humans to experience those, but the problem is when humans refuse to accept that it's normal and learn from them and as well improve their lives. Blaming other people for our mistakes and failures is an indication that we’ve not learned from them.
Iii. Create time to think
Creating time to think it's not about worrying, it's about creating time to generate ideas and improve the quality of your mind. Innovations are birthed in times like this.
Sit down think about solutions, and make out focus time to reflect on your day, week, and month. Examine your progress, and critique opportunities, and relationships. Getting into the Habit of Focus thinking will improve the quality of your life by 1000%.
Character set
Over time I've seen more people go from hero to zero because of bad or negative characters than for any other reason. I've seen people with great technical prowess, but yet zero characters.
To have different outcomes and results in 2023 you must pay attention to your character, what is your work ethic? How much do you adhere to workplace regulations and rules? These are some of the character issues most people have. Little things you think do not matter a lot.
In 2023 you must also avoid bitterness.
will people offend you, yes they will, but choose the part of love and forgiveness, do not let offense take over your heart this year.
Leave people's matters alone, mind your business, and focus on yourself, nobody goes forward looking backward.
Skill set
Be diligent in your business, and grow your skills, skilled workers are always in demand.
It is almost impossible to ignore a skilled worker, everybody appreciates skill.
Develop yourself for excellence; ensure that there is a touch of excellence in everything you do because people are always on the lookout for excellent, diligent, and thoroughly skilled individuals.
In 2023, do beyond the ordinary, and deliver at your best, the more you polish your skills the more you earn.
In conclusion, to have a different result from other people you must do differently. The new year will not automatically bring about a new you, you have to be intentional and deliberate about creating new experiences, results, and outcomes by doing new and better things.
Ensure to create a new you, when a person creates a new self, they begin to have new experiences.
2023 is going to be a great year for you.
Wish you the best!
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