Would you pay yourself to work for you? This is a question every developer should always ask.

My perspective towards people and work changed when I started asking myself this question. Imagine there is a duplicate of you somewhere, would you pay your duplicate to work for you? Sincerely answering this question will bring about a paradigm shift.

Sometimes we fail to see things from other people's perspective, we usually think that are fit for certain opportunities and positions, and wonder why we don't seem to be getting the rewards and accolades we deserve, whereas, in reality, we are either not ready or prepared enough for what we think we deserve.

Every time I ask myself this question, I see the need to keep improving myself, I see the need to keep learning and growing. Before you apply for a position, seat back and ask yourself, will I employ myself for this position I intend to apply for? If the sincere answer is yes, then you can go ahead and apply. But, if the sincere answer is no, please seat down and ask yourself, what amount of work do I need to put in?

How do you know you are ready and fit for a position? Well, it is simple; ask yourself how would want to be served as a boss. Do you think in your current capacity, with what you’ve learned, you can serve a boss the way you would want to be served? nobody will hire you if you are the kind of person you will not hire if you are the boss.

This is not just about technical skill only, you may be technically sound, but yet not fit for certain positions. nobody wants to work with a skillful but rebellious person. beyond technical prowess, employers look out for certain characters, and habits.
If you are smart, hardworking, and extremely skillful, yet can not work with a team to deliver results, then you have a problem. I'm certain you would not want to employ somebody like that too.

yours may be that you feel you are due for a raise or promotion, well ask yourself sincerely, will I promote or give myself a raise if I was the boss?

To be a good staff member, you have to think like a boss, and put yourself in the boss's shoes, whatever would displease you if you were the boss, will likely displease your boss. They may be your boss, but, at the end of the day they are just humans with emotions and feelings like you. what makes you feel good or bad, will probably make a boss feel the same way,

The moment we begin to see the world, through the eyes of other people, everything changes. This will also affect our communication which in turn improves our relationships and the way we relate because people begin to feel like we resonate with them. People want to be understood just the same way you want people to understand you. If you have this in mind, it will shape the way you relate with people at all levels, regardless of their position and status.

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